it was worth it. we had to where like masks and stuff when we came off the
Argentina plane and be checked for any illnesses. we got to the airport and
we were welcomed by our President and sister wade of the mission. they are
such cool people! we then went to there house and ate lunch and kinda had a
few meetings. we then went a few streets over to the mission office where we
slept for the night . After that we woke up the next morning and met our
trainers/companions. my new comp or padre is Elder Brown from Sacremento
California. hes been out for 1 year and he said its scary how fast it goes.
he speaks spanish extremely well and knows quite a bit of guarani. we arrive
at our house in beautiful piribebuy! 90% of the people speak guarani. they
think its so funny when the ask me if i speak spanish and i say a little and
the n they say what about guarani? they also think it is hilarious when i
say me name is elder burr and they ask if i am related to president bush and
also if i am from Springfeild on the simpsons because of Mr Burns on
simpsons. most of the little kids now call me bart simpson. anywho we got to
our house and took me suit off and we went right out into the real world and
started teaching people it was crazy! they speak so fast and they throw
guarni with it. the usually say stuff to me and i just smile for all i know
they could be saying someone died and i just say QUE BUENO! we walk easily
quite a few miles a day uphill and the roads are either dirt sand mud or
jagged stones so it kills your feet. the people are so nice you tell them
who you are and the are more than happy to listen to what you say and except
reading and going to church and praying , however they usually never keep
their commitments so its frustrating. its funny everyone one has fences in
front of their houses and so you dont know but clap hahah i thought that was
the funniest thing in the world. they come outside and tell you to come in
and invite you to drink some terere which is this nasty hay drink with
either cold or hot water and whenever people come over they pass it around
and everyone sucks all over the medal straw haha were not allowed to drink
it, thats to bad not! anyway our pday is on mondays and this is around the
time i email. i exchanged my u.s cash for guarni, its way confusing. its
funny every expensive store you walk in there is a guard with a shotgun
haha. oh ya so our bathroom is pretty much crap. to work the sink you have
to turn on the shower. to work the toilet you ask? yep you have to turn on
the shower. there is this like lamp string you use to flush the toilet its
crazy. the houses and people here are so poor it just doesnt evern seem
real. 95% of the houses in piribebuy are made of mud and brick with a medal
roof. everyone is pretty much losing their teeth and hasnt showered for what
smells like months and its funny because they wear english shirts and i ask
what it means and they just make stuff up haha. the other day we went to go
buy empanadas, chipa, bollos and all of a sudden this car comes around the
corner with his music on listening to J-lo "you must not know about me" i
was laughing so hard haha and also i saw a
TGIF in Asuncion!! it was insane! some other songs i have heard here
is kelly clarkson, 50 cent in da club, and Nelly grills hahaha they are a
little behind in music. also Guns N roses sweet child o mine ha. the
bus´here are so insane they just cram as many people as they can in there
also i get trashed in soccer we had ward night on thursday and i got showed
up by some 8 year old, he went right through my legs and scored. also we
teach english at ward night haha its so funny you point at the and say stuff
like YOU HAVE AN ORANGE SHIRT! and they think you said something mean so
everyone starts laughing even though they have no idea what you said but
then you write what you said on the chalk board in spanish and they all
laugh and say ohhhh. haha its pretty funny. they also love to hear me play
the piano, one of the women in our ward wanted me to play titanic haha i
just played the right hand and she loved it haha at church i play the piano
for sacrement and its funny because elder brown and i have to sing really
loud because if we dont it sounds like they are singing something way
different! we had our first baptism by the way ! her name is primative she
is this 40 year old lady who has been taught for years about the gospel but
has never wanted to get baptized but elder brown and i shared a scripture
and our testimony and started crying and said she wanted to be baptized it
was crazy but so so cool she has the strongest testimony!! Elder brown
baptized her and i shared my testimony at the meeting we have two more
baptisms this week, miguel and roman i am supposed to baptise both haha im
so excited!! also when we go teach people we always start out with a song
just elder brown and i they love to hear us sing haha and there is a member
name inocensio who loves us and he tells his wife he is going to work but
ends up falling us around everywhere haha i think he makes and sells frames
or something he brings his little boy along with us cooca. we call him
cooca roacha haha anyway he asked if i had a girlfriend and i said yes her
name is tracie. crazy? no tracie, crazy? haha i have no idea how he got that
its kinda like bush and mr burns and my name. anywho not much else going on
here its super cold at night when we are out walking and the stars here are
soo bright! i hope all is well i miss you all every morning i was getting
home sick but i am doing alot better its just hard to work here when you
cant understand what people are saying. let me know how everythings going.
Tracie i wrote you a letter and its on the way to the u.s. i can only email
close family which sucks but i will be blessed for being obedient ha. our
address is
elder burr/misiom paraguay-asuncion-norte/capitan Miranda 1681/casillade
corre 1871/ asuncion-paraguay. i love you all tracie girl i love you be
happy stay positive! nephews nieces dont get to big while im gone i want to
be able to recognize you when i gat home! everyone else i love you and keep
it real! ONE LOVE! here are a few pictures! para siempre dios este con vos!
elder jacob julious burr